How Do You Undo Previous Commits in Git?

Git is a powerful version control system that allows developers to track and manage changes to their code. One of the most common operations in Git is committing changes to the repository. However, sometimes you may need to undo a commit, either because you made a mistake or because you want to revert to an earlier state of your code.

There are three main ways to undo commits in Git:

  1. git reset –soft: This command will reset the HEAD pointer to the specified commit, but it will not affect the index or the working directory. This means that your changes will still be staged, but they will not be committed.

  2. git reset –mixed: This command will reset the HEAD pointer to the specified commit, and it will also reset the index to match the state of the commit. This means that your changes will be unstaged, but they will still be in your working directory.

  3. git reset –hard: This command will reset the HEAD pointer to the specified commit, and it will also reset the index and the working directory to match the state of the commit. This means that your changes will be completely lost.

Here is a table that summarizes the differences between the three reset commands:

Command HEAD Index Working Directory
git reset –soft Reset Unchanged Unchanged
git reset –mixed Reset Reset Unchanged
git reset –hard Reset Reset Reset

When to Use Each Reset Command

git reset –soft should be used when you want to undo a commit but you still want to keep your changes staged. This is useful if you want to fix a mistake in your commit message or if you want to add more changes before committing.

git reset –mixed should be used when you want to undo a commit and you don’t want to lose your changes, but you don’t want them to be staged either. This is useful if you want to work on your changes in a different branch or if you want to merge them with another branch.

git reset –hard should be used when you want to completely undo a commit and you don’t want to keep any of your changes. This is useful if you made a mistake that you want to revert completely or if you want to start over from a clean slate.


Let’s say you have the following commit history:

A - B - C - D - E

If you want to undo the last commit (E), you can use the following command:

git reset --soft HEAD~1

This will reset the HEAD pointer to commit D, but it will not affect the index or the working directory. Your changes from commit E will still be staged.

If you want to undo the last two commits (D and E), you can use the following command:

git reset --mixed HEAD~2

This will reset the HEAD pointer to commit C, and it will also reset the index to match the state of commit C. Your changes from commits D and E will be unstaged, but they will still be in your working directory.

If you want to undo all of your commits and start over from a clean slate, you can use the following command:

git reset --hard HEAD~5

This will reset the HEAD pointer to commit A, and it will also reset the index and the working directory to match the state of commit A. All of your changes will be lost.


Undoing commits in Git is a simple but powerful operation. By understanding the difference between the three reset commands, you can use them to undo mistakes, revert changes, and start over from a clean slate.