How Do I Uninstall a Library in Linux after Installing It?

When working with Linux, you may encounter situations where you need to uninstall a library after installing it. While the process of installing a library is straightforward using commands like “make install,” the uninstallation process can be less clear. This blog post will guide you through how to uninstall a library in Linux, providing multiple methods to help you tackle this task effectively.

Understanding the Problem

Package management in Linux is a crucial aspect of software installation and removal. However, when installing libraries using commands like “make install,” they are often not managed by the system’s package manager. This can make it challenging to uninstall the library later on, as there is no central record of its files and dependencies.

The Solution

To uninstall a library installed using “make install,” you can consider the following methods:

Method 1: Check for an “uninstall” Target

Some libraries may provide an “uninstall” target in their Makefile. To check for this, navigate to the library’s source directory and run the following command:

make uninstall

If an “uninstall” target exists, it will remove the library’s files and dependencies.

Method 2: Manually Remove Installed Files

If there is no “uninstall” target, you can manually remove the library’s files. To do this, you need to:

  1. Identify the files and directories installed by the library. You can refer to the “install_manifest.txt” file (if it exists) or use the following command:
make -n install

This command will display the steps that would be taken during installation without actually making any changes. Look for lines starting with “cp” to identify the files being installed.

  1. Manually remove the identified files and directories.
sudo rm -rf /path/to/installed/files

Method 3: Use Checkinstall

Checkinstall is a tool that can be used to create a Debian package for a library installed using “make install.” This allows you to manage the library through the system’s package manager, making it easier to uninstall.

To use checkinstall, follow these steps:

sudo apt install checkinstall
cd /path/to/library-source-directory
sudo checkinstall
sudo dpkg -i /path/to/.deb-package-created-by-checkinstall
sudo dpkg -r /path/to/.deb-package-created-by-checkinstall


In addition to the methods mentioned above, the following insights from the comments may be helpful:

  • It’s important to note that the process of uninstalling a library may vary depending on the specific library and its installation method.
  • If you encounter any issues during uninstallation, refer to the library’s documentation or seek help in online forums.
  • It’s always a good practice to keep a backup of your system before making any significant changes, including uninstalling libraries.


Uninstalling a library in Linux can be achieved using various methods, depending on the availability of an “uninstall” target, the presence of an “install_manifest.txt” file, or the use of checkinstall. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can effectively remove libraries from your Linux system, ensuring clean and efficient software management.